Graphic Design
Power point
Adobe indesign
Adobe illustrator
Adobe photoshop
Coral draw
Google slides
Design Terms-
Arrange-arranging sending something back to front or vice versa
Group-move them together
Align- top, left, right, bottom
Translucent, opacity, transparency
Hue what is colour, saturation how vivid is colour, lightness how light is colour
To recognise good design-
-professionalism in design
Good design vs bad design
There are two aspects here,
One, living a critical practice.Its working through the world paying attention to what is good writing, good design, good public speaking.
Second, once you are able to think about that, being critical, modelling your own work after the work you appreciate.
Developing a good vocabulary what works, what dose n’t work
-designing with a critical eye
Look at everything, see as a critic
-developing a design vocabulary
Is there?
Clear message
Dominant theme
Obvious portal or target
Matter of looking down and seeing closely
Seeking inspiration at inspiring places-
-you can’t create in vacuum
Where to look for inspiration
design ideas, Pinterest, design blogs
There a lot of bad stuff also
Internet is not cherry picked
Its hard to make right decisions
Sources outside the box, sources that make space
Looking at the broader world of design before even we start a project
think about the soul of the message, forget about the platform
Look at world around you
The necessity of structure-
First thing grid, basic structure
All good design starts with structure
Introducing grid
Grid is organisational for us but if you pull it off right, no one sees the grid/ structure, makes it look perfect, its your brilliance that’s showing
Introducing the grid-
Our scaffold is grid in design
Organisation is the foundation of professionalism
We simply line things up, we find common axes, every opportunity to line things up. We take it and when we do that, we draw lines along the edges of our elements. We see things are now lined up. And that’s called grid.
Helps in getting message.
Using grid, before putting anything on the project think about grid
Organised, well mannered
Start with grid to organise your thought and content
Can be real or imaginary
Grid is recyclable
Grid and audience perception
Optical illusions- common errors of perception- designers should know it
Major content above middle
Use rule of 3rds
3 cols 3 rows- if we take a rectangle and divide it into 9 equal parts, its the intersection of those parts that are visually the most interesting
The power of negative space (unused part of content)
Margins- areas around the edge of our composition
Gutters- areas between columns of text and design elements
Effects hoe audience feels
Negative space is just as important as content
Why designers use templates?
Finding a common solution to multiple problems
Replicable structure- template
Anticipate the layout within the broader project
Keep everything consistent
Start with biggest challenge. Slide with most content. Solve and work through others
Introducing the palette
We are going to deal with thousands of typefaces, millions of colors and infinite number of images to work with.
It’s actually pretty daunting trying to decide what we are going to put on our palette to deliver to our composition.
How do we do that?
How do we make right decisions?
How do we make certain we are using right colors?
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