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Successful Presentation Notes

4 Modules

Fear,The Formula,Practice,Engaging the audience

Its takes practice and confidence

Successful presentation is a public performance of the private self.

Prof. Kuskin’s ten best practices for successful public speaking-

Number 1

The Keith Code Rule: Fear inhibits execution. By controlling fear, we are able to execute on multiple levels.

Number 2

Successful Presentation is storytelling.

Number 3

Stories have a Beginning, Middle and Ending and often have single main meaning or moral.

Number 4

Stories are always, in part, about the storyteller or people want to see people.

Number 5

Stories are told; indeed, great stories are performed.

Number 6

The Basic Formula is a simple three by three grid: Introduction, Content, & Conclusion, each of which have three parts:

a. The Introduction has three elements: Salutation, Review, & The One Compelling Point

b. The Content has three parts: Topic, Data, & Analysis

c. The Conclusion has three parts: Summary, Discussion, & Thank You

Number 7

The Secret Ingredient in the formula is creativity. But creativity is not magic. Creativity is simply pushing the formula to just the point where it is about to break.

Number 8

Your talk only has one point.

Number 9

A passionate identity is created through diligent rehearsal.

Number 10

Great speakers create their brand and the field of play as one.


You have the ability to speak to the world without fear.

You need only to let your ability to emerge.

Successful presentation is a public performance of the private self.

Understanding Fear-

Public speaking is anxiety producing.

It’s important to understand why we fear and  what we do when we are afraid.

Fear of public speaking is both-

Rational- Who wants to stand up and be judged?

Irrational- In the end it’s just words, it’s just standing up and saying what you have to say.


Passage- Survival Reactions

He labels survival reactions of things that we do automatically, when we are in, an adrenalised situation, when our fight or flight reactions kick in. Our body and our mind, they do automatic things.

Public speaking is a high pressure situation. The pressure is on to perform and you don’t Geta redo. In it, our flight or fight instincts kick in and we stop making choices and start taking actions. Those actions can cause chaos. This is why fear is both rational and irrational.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and yet fear is a very real thing.

Survival reactions for public speaking-


Drawing a blank

Forgetting names

Fixating on an audience member

Not seeing the audience

Speaker voice- when you hear you own voice and say, God I’m boring.

-All of these are your minds attempt to distance yourself from the actual situation you’re in.





Kind of 

Sort of

-Buy you time



Dry mouth

Waving hand in repetitive motion

Rapid arm or leg movement

Rocking back and forth

-body is saying, get me out of this situation

Replace them with rule governed formula.

Paradox of public speaking-

One hand are imaginary and other hand real.

A paradox is a thing that is self contradictory, but nevertheless true.

Something on our side- Practice

Use formula and system

Successful presentation is storytelling-

Story telling is human.

Story has many parts and one central theme that communicates the story.

When you are on stage, you are part of the content, and people want to see people.

You are not just part of the story. You got to deliver the story. You have got to engage with it so that you make the story.

People can take in isolated information. They can concentrate only on so many information. Put away slide desk, spreadsheets, long speech. You have got to distill it down to a single main theme. All the details add up to and reinforce but details are not the critical part but the shape of the story and main theme that the audience can perceive is what is important. People want to see not your content.

In the end, people want to see people.

You need to command your content, not your content need to command over you.

The Formula

Simple Structure

Beginning -Introduction



Introduce yourself


Review of structure-




One compelling point-

The announcement

The compelling point

Why the point is important

Middle -Content

Modular content unit-




Push you point

Modular content unit-




Push you point

Modular content unit-




Push you point

Add as many modular points

End -Conclusion

Summation-The summary

Discussion- Thoughts for discussion 

Thank you- Thank you

Break in 3’s

It’s not easy. Just a structure.

3 by 3 lets you to write, to memorise and to speak.

Creativity is pushing the formula without destroying it.


Why introduction is important?

Because it’s the very beginning. At that time you are most nervous. That moment, needs a strong structure to guide through. Need to own and establish room.

Need to lay out story, review structure and story’s moral and its meaning, the one compelling point.

Important to learn your introduction.

Salutation— Its a place where you meet your audience and they meet you.

Welcome. Most formulate part. Welcome, title and thank them.

Change to introduce yourself.  Tell them who you are.

Acknowledgements. accurately acknowledge. Warm and generous them.



In this talk I am going to, then I am going to and then …etc.

One compelling point—

Any talk more than 20 minutes is problem.

Reason of only one compelling point is that people can only take on so much information in oral delivery.

Figure out which one is important point.

Introduction is a 3by3 grid.

The Modular Content Unit—

While the introduction is singular, modular content unit can be repeated, mixed and matched throughout talk.

 The only rule is the modular content units have to plug back in to the one compelling point.

Each modular content should have 3 parts- the topic, data and analysis.

Pushing each content( think in circles)—

Data has your analysis but you analysis need to be forecast by your topic itself. And topic need to reach back around your data.

Fourth term- keyword- bigger conceptual ideas. Grows out of analysis.

Building Transitions—

Conclude each unit strongly so that you can transition to next smoothly

Conclude by emphasising keyword.


Summary— In conclusion… etc


Thank your audience

A passionate identity is created by diligent rehearsal.

Dynamic vs Static

You are your harshest critic.

Script- Nothing worse than statically read script.

So you have to take those words and transform them into a way that’s comfortable for you to speak.

Two modes—


Reverse Outline

The best way to rehearse is to read the document out loud over and over in front of mirror.


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